Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Egg Plant Rollatini

EggPlant Rollatini

Mise en Place
1 egg Plant cut lengthwise
1/4 cup small diced onion
2 cloves crushed garlic
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1 bag baby spinach
Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
TT Milk
8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
TT Grated Parmesan cheese
TT Salt & fresh ground  black pepper 
TT Greek oregano
TT Fresh chopped Parsely
5 eggs
Flour for dredging (add salt & pepper)
TT Marinara Sauce 
(I think if you search it I have a recipe on this blog)
Some Tips
Have the folks in the Hot Foods Department slice the egg plant for you as I did.....hard to get great cuts without a slicer ;-)  
Egg Mixture for frying - Milk 8 oz & 3 eggs, parmesan cheese, salt & pepper, chopped parsley

 Make a production line left to right,
Dredge egg plant in flour then in milk &  egg mixture
Make sure EVGOO is hot but not smoking!!!!
Get a nice browning of the egg plant

 Get some paper towels to absorb the oil, set aside and prepare the cheese & egg mixture.....
1/2 cup ricotta cheese, 2 eggs. salt & pepper, chopped parsley, Greek oregano & Grated Parmesan Cheese 

 Mix well and set aside....
In some EVGOO, brown garlic then onions, add salt & pepper, 

 Add baby spinach and season with salt & pepper, allow the steam to wilt the spinach......
 Then toss to mix everything......set aside to cool a bit
 add some ricotta mixture, mozzarella & grated parmesan
 the spinach & mushroom mixture.......

Make sure to line casserole bottom with Marinara Sauce.... Then roll the egg plant and top with spinach & mushroom mixture plus some mozzarella & grated parmesan..........
 Now it is ready for the oven *350 til cheese is golden brown 30 minutes give or take!!!
Kali Orexi